It has now been several days since the Israeli raids on the people of Gaza began. Hundreds have been killed, and thousands have been wounded. These amounts continue to build up, with no indication of halting or even lightening up any time soon. Medical supplies are scarce, food is difficult to find, families are torn apart, houses are demolished, and the borders are closed.

As for the rest of the world…Well, we could pretty much say it is dead; not dead with regards to bodies; but dead with regards to brains. People around the globe are not blind, nor are they deaf; yet they are deliberately ignorant of the current situation; ignorant of the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, ignorant of those in need. They are aware of what is taking place, but continue to directly and indirectly refuse t help the innocent children, women, and elderly. When will the world be awakened from its deep slumber to respond to what is happening? When will they play their role in the process of quelling the occupation, the oppression, and the genocide happening today? 

As the world continues to remiss the horrors and the atrocious pain that the Palestinian people are forced to suffer and live through, the amount of deaths in the area is exceeding, more houses are demolished, and the more violence formulated. The dearth of their care is not helpful at all. By the time the world awakens and realizes what has happened, if it does, Gaza will have been eradicated, obliterated, blown to oblivion, cleansed of its natural owners and roamers of the land, and walked upon by one of the heartless, relatively large terrorist group on the planet, Israel. The land that was established by Omar ibn Al-Khattab ® as a ‘Waqf’ for the Muslims, as Baitulmaal of the Muslims will be infected with the deadly virus of oppression, and the nauseating odors of bloodshed and violence.

We are awakened by the sounds of our alarm clocks every day, turn off the vexing noise, and return to our sheets for a few more minutes of rest and to briefly revise our schedules for the day. We then go about our schedules and at the end of the day return to the comfort of our homes to enjoy time with our families, entertain ourselves, or do whatever it is we want to do. We go to bed happy and with little or nothing on our minds.

The people of Palestine however do not have these various options, not even a small of fraction of this aspect of our life styles. They are awakened only by the loud sounds of F-16 fighter planes, explosions, implosions, missiles, and gun shots. They do not have the liberty to wake up and return to their beds to for a few extra minutes and contemplate about and revise their schedules, like we do. Every day for them is the same, with a tentative schedule and hopes that they can make it through the day alive.

We ask of you and encourage you to donate as much as you can to help alleviate the atrocious pain and suffering which is enveloping the civilians of Palestine, not only in money, but in dua’a as well. We need your help to spread the word that we are accepting donations. Please forward this message to your friends, families, your Masjid, and your Communities at large. They are counting on the ones who will come to their rescue.

Hamzah Radwan (USA)